Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Group Project Article from NMSA


There is a lot of good information in this short article from the May issue of Middle Level Insider.  Susan Mulcaire relates the benefits as well as the frustrations that we all encounter when attempting group projects.  The best part is that she gives several strategies for supporting our students in this endeavor.  This article fits within the scope of This We Believe because being able to work successfully within a group is a life skill that students need to function successfully at all levels of society.  This article pinpoints those life skills and provides resources for sharing them with our students.    Gina Elliott


  1. This was a great article on group projects. Group work can be frustrating at times and at other times my students love working together and have no conflicts. I think the biggest problem with group work is making sure everyone realizes they have an equal responsibility. This article listed several good strategies to make it go smoothly. ~Wendy Marney

  2. I was instantly drawn to this article off of the blog page. I HATE group projects and read this article for myself! I really don't want my students to have my anxiety about group projects and this article really helped me as a teacher. I will follow this steps and strategies when it comes time for my students to work in groups! THANK YOU for this article!
    Sarah Shewmaker
