Thursday, June 30, 2011

Middle School Article

This article discusses the difference between two schools in New York. One school ranges from Kindergarten to 8th grade while the other ranges from 6th to 12th grade. The article focuses on whether it is beneficial to have a middle school program to prepare students for the future or if it would simply be better to allow them to stay in their elementary school for an additional three years where they are comfortable. This article fits into the scope of This We Believe because it addresses the essential attributes because the 6th-12th grade school is challenging the students to look forward to their futures. It also empowers them to be ready for college. This article also addresses culture and community because the kindergarten-6th grade school had an adult advocate (Randi Silverman) that a boy knew he could always count on. I really enjoyed this article because it discusses some of the things we have even talked about in our chat sessions about middle school. 

-Shay Eddings


  1. This was a very interesting article. It is hard for students to transition from elementary to middle school but I am not sure if getting rid of middle schools is the way to go. This article definitely made me think about the pros/cons of middle schools. Good article. ~Wendy Marney

  2. Wow Shay,
    What a thought provoking article. In my own personal experiences as a student and as a parent, I feel that the middle school has been the best modification made to public schools in the last fifty years. I really don't think this age group belongs in elementary or high school. Test scores may just reflect the exploratory nature of this age and the fact that they are learning about learning. I hope that NY does not foreshadow the trend of things to come. Thanks for the update! - Gina Elliott

  3. After reading this article, I can see both sides to the story. I grew up going to a K-6 building to a 7-12 building and it was not that bad. But I also see how important it is for middle schools to be successful. We have been learning about the positives of a middle school, but the article discussed some negatives. But on a side note, John Smith at the beginning of the story was at a terrible place. I hate that he felt lost and I strive to be that teacher that he went to for support. When students know that they can come to us for help, we have gained their trust and learning is much easier.
    Sarah Shewmaker
