Thursday, June 30, 2011

Middle Level Article

Differentiate Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0 Tools
I really enjoyed reading this article on differentiating instruction.  In this article, several middle level teachers talk about their favorite tech tools for differentiating class instruction.  One of the tools mentioned in the article was Audacity.  My multimedia kids use Audacity for several projects and really enjoy it.  The article also mentioned several tools for students who have difficulty taking notes, have difficulty reading, and who are visual learners.   I found several tools that I will try to incorporate into my classroom.  This article fits within the scope of This We Believe under multiple learning and teaching approaches.  All students learn differently and as teachers we need to incorporate different approaches that will accommodate all students.  Technology is one of the many ways to do that and seems to get students excited about learning.    ~Wendy Marney

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this article. I always need new ideas to get students to connect to the lessons! It really stuck me good whenever Todd Williamson suggested that students choose their own learning styles. Often teachers do these elaborate tests to find out how students learn best and try to match their scores to the correct style. Middle schoolers are at an age when they know how they learn best. By getting their input they recognize that you value their opinion.
    Sarah Shewmaker
